THE Autoshow half Pic

THE Autoshow half Pic

My first and only roll through my Olympus Pen S. Only as of now, but we'll get into that.


  • Olympus Pen S
  • Kodak Gold 200
  • Ungraded
  • UN Cropped


When deciding how to present these photos I was a little unsure of what route to go down. BUT as this website is meant to showcase my raw unedited photos I decided it should also include these uncropped half-frame photos. Most of these are not grouped for any sort of artistic reason and in theory, should have been separated but alas.

Let's talk about the camera now. The Olympus Pen S is the oldest camera I own being manufactured in the late 1950's. I bought this from someone In Japan via eBay for a somewhat decent price at the time, as it was proving to be difficult to buy a half-frame camera in my local area. It's a fun camera to have in the collection but seldom leaves my shelf. This is simply because it's hard to use and the resolution isn't great(it's HALF of normal 35mm Math that out yourself).

I think the biggest detracting feature of this camera is the fact that it is a viewfinder camera, and it relies on zone focusing which is something I always struggle to pull crisp focus with. Not to say it is impossible with this camera, just that I have trouble with it. And it is because of that, and the fact that you need to shoot 72 frames to finish a roll, that I have never again taken this camera for a spin.


The Pizza Nova set! Honestly just trying to use these up so they don't die on my file server. Nothing much to be said here other than some more focus misses.


Thank you for indulging in some camera nerd exploration here.