THE farm pic
A trip to my brother's friend's dad's rescue farm'sss.
- Nikon FE
- Fuji Colour 200
- Ungraded
I am normally a fan of birds but these ones were a little wild for my taste. This was an odds and sods farm run by my Brother's friend Michael's dad. His OTHER friend also named Michael is featured in the photos below. However, the most stand-out character of all was BUTCH. the Large turkey in the second photo. This guy was mean. Follows us around making some sort of growling sound. It later entered the home and pooped on the floor. All good though because I saw a dog come and eat the poop. Butch's secret was safe until I wrote it out here.
I do not remember what Nikkor lens I used to shoot this with but I was always impressed with the extremely crisp depth of field it was able to produce. Take a look at the mangey grey parrot. that focal plane must be millimeters wide. Super super crisp.

Some wacky farm animals
Thank you to Butch for having us this day.